Making Friends for Israel Since 1971
The America-Israel Friendship League (AIFL) has been building and mobilizing grassroots support for Israel and strengthening the relationship between the two countries through people-to-people activities for 50 years.
By sending Leadership Delegations to Israel, conducting outreach to program alumni and other interested parties, engaging in Pastor/ Educator Seminars, and hosting an annual Youth Ambassador Student Exchange (YASE), AIFL continues the vision of its founders. These leaders sought to promote a strong and enduring friendship and cooperative bond between Americans and Israelis of all ages, faiths, ethnic backgrounds and political orientations.
if($fields['button_url']!=""){?> Become a Member }?>Our mission is to increase Americans’ understanding of the contemporary Israel story — its entrepreneurship, culture, medical research, environmental protection initiatives, and so much more.
This is a story unknown to most Americans, because the media usually presents Israel principally through the lens of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Broadening that lens is critical to building greater appreciation and support for Israel.
our history
AIFL Through the Years

2021 | 50 Years of Impact
For over 50 years, AIFL has enhanced the bonds of friendship between the people of the United States and Israel by engaging and educating people of all ages, faiths, ethnic backgrounds and political orientations to better understand the common foundations of both countries. These common bonds sustain deep and long-term friendships.